Tuesday, October 11, 2011


My first book has finally gone live.

I never knew writing a book could be so challenging...but we did it. That's right, WE DID IT.

Writing and publishing a book is a team effort. From the creative staff team at All Nations Church who helped me produce the speaking series called The Relationship Depot, back in 2009; Heather Campbell Whitman who transcribed my Sunday messages, gathered my speaking notes, compiled my research and put everything in a big blue indexed binder, cut ,pasted and edited my first draft, my second draft, my third draft...an many more drafts, worked tirelessly on helping me find my written "voice" and walked me through the emotional mind field of editors sometimes conflicting opinions, to walking away from one publisher and helping me make the decision to go to Publishing On Demand, to recruiting Christine as our graphic designer for the cover and then creating an interior layout that reflected how we wanted the book to feel, Garths' magnificently photo-shopped picture of me on the back cover, to the people who gave us pre-publication quotes, learning to work with a print company, e-marketing, Kimble and Kobo and now media relations...

And it's all because I married a girl named Eileen and we had kids and raised a family and managed to turn our relationship with each other and our relationship to God into a book called

THE RELATIONSHIP DEPOT: Building Relationships That Last A Lifetime

The official launch party is Wednesday October 19th from 6-8 Pm at the Holiday inn in Sudbury Ontario

The book is available at Amazon.ca and.com as well as in the UK, India and other online book sellers. Kindle and Kobo will be live soon

In Sudbury you can get a copy at Walden Word of Life, The Lighthouse, All Nations Church -673-6110
If you can drop by the party even for a few minits that would be great. Thanks everybody.