Monday, April 7, 2008

The Age of Entitlement is Dead

The age of entitlement is dead. People in positions of leadership should no longer expect preferential treatment due to their positional authority. If anything there has been a major decline in societies view of its' leaders. Just check out the late night circuit and check how often people in once esteemed and untouchable positions, are now routinely criticized and made a mockery of. The president of the USA is made out to be a dummy with a less that average I.Q. Here in Canada the leader of the opposition, Stephan Dion is portrayed as a "dorky" school boy.

Once upon a time society respected its leaders and were delighted at the thought of rewarding them with the odd perk now an again. Well, that day is gone. Maybe that's a good thing! Perhaps some people in positions of leadership have brought this on themselves. Or maybe times have changed, maybe we are tired of the abuses of power.

There was a time right here in Sudbury Ontario where my Dad would receive a complimentary 10% clergy discount from such establishments as Eaton's and Silvermans ( down on Elm).
Parishioners would bring in the odd chicken, or a dozen eggs, even a roast or two. But in those days wages for clergy were sub standard and people did what they could to help out. In those days public service was just that, public service. People provided perks for hard working underpaid servants of the public good. Well, hard working may still apply ,but underpaid has gone the way of vinyl records.
Even most clergy in this modern era receive a reasonable wage for their service to God and their parishioners.

So where does that leave us with this entitlement issue. If you expect it, you are probably out of luck. If you think you deserve it, you are definitely out of luck. What do you think if we just become equals. And if at some special time we receive some special treatment that is over and above our expectations we can learn to be grateful again and rejoice in the unexpected love shown to us by people who think enough about us to let us know we are special to them today.

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