Wednesday, December 24, 2008


It is hard to believe the whole world is reeling from financial uncertainty. In just over 90 days the western world went from being smug financially to being financially frightened. It is time for our faith to kick in. It is time for us as the people of God to put our trust in OUR Father’s careful provision for His children.

Just the other night one of the national media outlets lead off their newscasts with the words “500 thousand jobs to be lost”….and then the tag line IF the auto industry collapses. With headlines like that no wonder we feel fear and trepidation.

While the “sky is not falling” it is dangling perilously from some very shoddy defective fasteners. Why are we surprised? We have been warned for thousands of years that the god called materialism is a fake, a sham a house made of cards, a building build on sand. Finally the rain has come the house is falling. The foundations are eroding. It is time to get out! Jesus was very clear when he said “you can not worship God and Money.”

North American believers have not wanted to hear Jesus message. The “prosperity” gospel continues to be propagated in churches and throughout the airwaves of this great continent. The message has been clear…you can worship God and have it all. Worship God and he will give you “the American dream”. I don’t think Jesus ever said that. He called a rich young business executive to account. He said in effect choose me or your stuff. The bible records the sad ending to that event when we read that the young executive “went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.” Sorrow is certainly the word for this week when it comes to financial matters

Here is my question. What will it take for Christians in North America to stop trusting in financial things for their security? The bible is so clear “do not lay up treasure on earth.” The bible states that the treasure will be eaten by moths (deflation?) it will rust (be valueless…like some stock portfolios?) …thieves will steal it (no comment necessary in the light of this weeks 50 billion dollar scandal). The Word of the Lord admonishes us to “lay up treasure in heaven” and your reward will be great. In other words take care of the things God wants taken care of and he will take care of you and the people you care about. What could be greater than being taken care of by God himself?

God’s world always operates backwards to the natural order. Take care of Gods kingdom and God takes care of your kingdom. Take care of your own kingdom and you are on your own.

Income in North American churches is dropping. Isn’t that a reveling statistic? Are people really thinking that “I’ got cut back so I will just cut back on God”?. Should this not be the time when giving to the Kingdom of God should be increasing? Are we as a nation failing to get the message? God is letting the god of this world, materialism, run its course with out His restraint. If you trust in money this is what you get…greed, scandal, deflation, and uncertainty.

North American Christianity is now in the process of being exposed for what it is…a self centered grab for God and the money! Show me God and show me the money, appears to be the heart cry of Christians in this western world. North American Christianity has been based on a “what’s in it for me” gospel. It has not been based on a sacrificial commitment to what God wants but has been based on the concept of a slot machine god who pays out what I want, every time.

Christians are hording in a time they should be giving. Christians are panicking when they should be praising. Christians are worried when they should be worshiping. The plain truth is that far too many of us do not trust completely in God for our provision. Our actions speak louder than our words. Our panicked response to the demise of this worlds system exposes our real belief system.

I believe God is calling His people to a higher level of trust and dependency on Him. It is never too late to begin putting our whole hand in His hand. In the book of Chronicles God speaks to His people and urges them to trust Him when he says “if my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, I will forgive their sins and I will heal their land.

This economic crisis is a wake up call from the Lord to those of us who call ourselves Christians. It is now time for Christians in the Western world to put God first; period, no excuses, no delays. Your choice, go through it alone, or go through it with God.

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