Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Pain of Small Dreams

Most people quit because their dream is too small, not because their dream is too big. If you want to be discouraged, think small that will do it every time. Big ideas wake you up. Big ideas keep you up. Big ideas have a way of riding over obstacles When you crawl up on the top of a big idea you can see for miles. You can see over the valleys, over the rivers, over the pitfalls and into the future.

Let me ask you this! What would your dream look like if you multiplied it by a factor of 10? Expand, enlarge, make the future come alive. Write your dream down. Make it colourful.Watch while it changes the world.

The point is this. Even if you do not achieve all of your BIG dream you will achieve much more than your little dream.

How big should you dream? Your dream is big enough when people think your idea is crazy, unattainable, impossible and any other words your friends, family or co-workers might dream up.

Most people live little lives. They never venture beyond their block. Their minds reach no further than the remote control.The world is waiting for crazy big dreams. What are you waiting for. Anything you achieve beyond where you are now is better than where you are now.

By the way, just a small hint. The Good Book, the Bible says to not throw precious pearls into the pigpen. ( my translation). Simply put, don't waste your big ideas on people who cannot appreciate them. Don't throw your ideas around. Be selective and cautious with what you do with your ideas because they are precious and fragile. More on this next time.

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